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Image by Matt Walsh
  1. The stuff hanging on my office walls.

There’s the BS in Advertising from the University of Illinois (#3 advertising program in the nation). There’s also an MS in Clinical Psychology. Flanked by my Disney Ducktorate Degree in Communications are two state licensures: professional counselor and equine-assisted therapist. Working with me, you benefit from over $119,000 in education, training and research.

2. Free therapy included!

 We all could benefit from therapy - especially when it's free. As a licensed psychotherapist, I may be the only copywriter who truly understands why people act the way they do. All those hours spent in clinical training and seeing hundreds of clients gave me a ninja-like ability to understand human motivation and behavior. I specialize in what makes consumers behave in the ways they do. As a result, I write conversational copy that speaks directly to your consumers in a voice that rings true.

3. Crisis intervention expertise.

I am a certified crisis line counselor. What's in it for you? First, you get a writer who knows how to talk and listen to the distracted and disgruntled consumer whose ear you want. Second, I’ve effectively handled suicidal callers - so I’m confident I can manage whatever copywriting calamity you throw in my direction.

4. I worked with Mickey Mouse.

 At the Happiest Place on Earth, I learned how to build the world’s biggest brand: Disney. I know the secret to the two things Disney does better than anyone: customer service and branding. When asked his philosophy for success, Walt replied, “It’s all about the mouse.” I apply his rationale to my writing: “It’s all about the copy.”

Why Me: About Me
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